Active admin import

active_admin_import is based on activerecord-import gem - the most efficient way to import for ActiveAdmin

View the Project on GitHub Fivell/active_admin_import


The most fastest and efficient CSV import for Active Admin with support of validations, bulk inserts and encodings handling

Build Status Dependency Status Coverage Status

Code Climate Gem Version License

master can be used with AA 1.0.0 and Rails >= 4.1


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "active_admin_import" , '2.1.2'


gem "active_admin_import" , github: "Fivell/active_admin_import"

And then execute:

$ bundle

active_admin_import features

  1. Replacements (Ex 2)
  2. Encoding handling (Ex 4, 5)
  3. CSV options
  4. Ability to prepend CSV headers automatically
  5. Bulk import (activerecord-import)
  6. Callbacks
  7. Zip files
  8. more...


Tool Description
:back resource action to redirect after processing
:csv_options hash with column separator, row separator, etc
:validate bool means perform validations or not
:batch_size integer value of max record count inserted by 1 query/transaction
:before_import proc for before import action, hook called with importer object
:after_import proc for after import action, hook called with importer object
:before_batch_import proc for before each batch action, called with importer object
:after_batch_import proc for after each batch action, called with importer object
:on_duplicate_key_update an Array or Hash, tells activerecord-import to use MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ability.
:timestamps bool, tells activerecord-import to not add timestamps (if false) even if record timestamps is disabled in ActiveRecord::Base
:ignore bool, tells activerecord-import toto use MySQL's INSERT IGNORE ability
:template custom template rendering
:template_object object passing to view
:resource_class resource class name
:resource_label resource label value
:plural_resource_label pluralized resource label value (default config.plural_resource_label)
:headers_rewrites hash with key (csv header) - value (db column name) rows mapping

Default options values

    back: {action: :import},
    csv_options: {},
    template: "admin/import",
    fetch_extra_options_from_params: [],
    resource_class: config.resource_class,
    resource_label:  config.resource_label,
    plural_resource_label: config.plural_resource_label,


    ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
       active_admin_import  validate: false,
                            csv_options: {col_sep: ";" },
                            before_import: ->(importer){ Post.delete_all },
                            batch_size: 1000


Example2 Importing to mediate table with insert select operation after import completion

This config allows to replace data in 1 sql query with callback

    ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
        active_admin_import validate: false,
            csv_options: {col_sep: ";" },
            resource_class: ImportedPost ,  # we import data into another resource
            before_import: ->(importer){  ImportedPost.delete_all },
            after_import:  ->(importer){
                Post.transaction do
                    Post.connection.execute("INSERT INTO posts (SELECT * FROM imported_posts)")
            back: -> {  config.namespace.resource_for(Post).route_collection_path } # redirect to post index

Example3 Importing file without headers, but we always know file format, so we can predefine it

    ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
        active_admin_import validate: true,
                hint: "file will be imported with such header format: 'body','title','author'",
                csv_headers: ["body","title","author"]

Example4 Importing ISO-8859-1 encoded file and disallow archives

    ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
        active_admin_import validate: true,
                hint: "file encoded in ISO-8859-1",
                force_encoding: "ISO-8859-1",
                allow_archive: false

Example5 Importing file with unknown encoding and autodetect it

    ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
        active_admin_import validate: true,
                force_encoding: :auto

Example6 Callbacks for each bulk insert iteration

    ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
        active_admin_import validate: true,
        before_batch_import: ->(importer) {
           import.file #current file used
           import.resource #ActiveRecord class to import to
           import.options # options
           import.result # result before bulk iteration
           import.headers # CSV headers
           import.csv_lines #lines to import
           import.model #template_object instance
        after_batch_import: ->(importer) {
           #the same

Example7 update by id emulation

     ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
            before_batch_import: ->(importer) {
                Post.where(id: importer.values_at('id')).delete_all


Example8 change csv values before import (find each 'Author name' column and replace it with authors_id before insert )

     ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
             active_admin_import validate: true,
              headers_rewrites: { :'Author name' => :author_id },
              before_batch_import: ->(importer) {
                authors_names = importer.values_at(:author_id)
                # replacing author name with author id
                authors   = Author.where(name: authors_names).pluck(:name, :id)
                options = Hash[*authors.flatten] # #{"Jane" => 2, "John" => 1}
                importer.batch_replace(:author_id, options)

Example9 dynamic CSV options, template overriding

       <%= raw(@active_admin_import_model.hint) %> 
    <%= semantic_form_for @active_admin_import_model, url: {action: :do_import}, html: {multipart: true} do |f| %>
        <%= f.inputs do %>
            <%= f.input :file, as: :file %>
        <% end %>
        <%= f.inputs "CSV options", for: [:csv_options,] do |csv| %>
            <% csv.with_options input_html: {style: 'width:40px;'} do |opts| %>
                <%= opts.input :col_sep %>
                <%= opts.input :row_sep %>
                <%= opts.input :quote_char %>
            <% end %>
        <% end %>

        <%= f.actions do %>
            <%= f.action :submit, label: t("active_admin_import.import_btn"), button_html: {disable_with: t("active_admin_import.import_btn_disabled")} %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>
    ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
        active_admin_import validate: false,
                          template: 'import' ,
                              hint: "specify CSV options"
                              csv_options: {col_sep: ";", row_sep: nil, quote_char: nil}


Tool Description
rchardet Character encoding auto-detection in Ruby. As smart as your browser. Open source.
activerecord-import Powerful library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord.